
Our team at Deansgate Dental Studio is committed to providing mouth cancer screenings during all our dental examinations.

Mouth cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the country, and like so many cancers, depends on early diagnosis and detection for successful treatment. Which is why we always include a mouth cancer screening during your regular dental examination.

What happens during a mouth cancer screening?

We will simply check for some of the most common signs and symptoms of mouth cancer which include red and white patches in the mouth, swellings, sores, or other abnormalities. As with all our treatments and examinations, we’ll make sure you’re comfortable throughout.

What happens if you find any signs of potential cancer?

If we find anything that causes us concern, we’ll either ask you back for a follow-up appointment or recommend you to a specialist.

Am I at risk of oral cancer?

There are several factors that might cause you to be at greater risk of oral cancer. These include smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, sun exposure, a weakened immune system, and HPV – a sexually transmitted virus.

I think I have some of the mentioned symptoms – can I book an appointment?

Yes, even though we perform these mouth cancer screenings during every dental examination, if you think you have any of the mentioned symptoms then you should book an appointment with us as soon as possible.

For more information on this treatment, or to simply book an appointment get in touch with us.
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Dental Implants

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Giving you the bite and smile you desire.

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Renew your smile. Refresh your appearance.

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Real cases. Real results.

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Reinvent your smile with dental implants.

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Dedicated to advanced digital dentistry.

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Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful

Thich Nhat Hanh

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